Leadership and
Personal Development Standards

Northern Lights International Leadership Academy (NLILA) Standards 

(NLILA Standards are based on and inspired by the Wisconsin Association of School Councils Student Leadership Standards)

1.  Self awareness

1.1.  Participant respects himself/herself and others.

1.1.a.  Participant makes healthy lifestyle choices.

1.2.  Participant is aware of his/her strengths/ weaknesses and utilizes this knowledge to reach his/her potential.

1.2.a.  Participant is able to analyze the consequences of his/her actions and respond accordingly.

1.2.b.  Participant is aware of social circumstances and responds appropriately

1.3.  Participant is aware of the influence he/she has on others individually, as a group or on society.

2.  Character

2.1.  Participant takes responsibility for personal actions and acts ethically (i.e. demonstrates honesty, fairness, integrity).

2.1.a.  Participant demonstrates respect for the rights and abilities of self and others.

2.1.b.  Participant defines and demonstrates ethical behavior.

2.1.c.  Participant models responsible actions and a positive attitude.

2.1.d.  Participant identifies appropriate character traits such as honesty, fairness, respect, etc.

2.1.e.  Participant understands that a variety of models exist for ethical decision making

3.  Goal Setting

3.1.  Participant understands and participates in the process of setting, achieving, and evaluating goals.

3.1.a.  Participant understands the purpose of goal setting and writes realistic goals that correspond with individual or group vision/ philosophy.

3.1.b.  Participant develops an action plan to monitor and achieve goals.

3.1.c.  Participant monitors, adjusts, and/or reflects upon the goals.

4.  Organization

4.1.  Participant demonstrates personal organizational skills

4.1.a.  Participant exhibits effective time management skills.

4.1.b.  Participant prioritizes personal commitments.

4.1.c.  Participant recognizes value of a healthy work-life balance.

4.2.  Participant works with groups to plan & implement organized projects.

4.2.a.  Participant formulates & employs project goals.

4.2.b.  Participant uses sequential project planning skills.

4.2.c.  Participant uses appropriate evaluation tools and methods.

5.  Communication

5.1.  Participant communicates effectively in large and small groups.

5.1.a.  Participant develops content and ideas into organized media presentations.

5.1.b.  Participant analyzes and adjusts media content based upon the audience.

5.1.c.  Participant uses appropriate language and style.

5.1.d.  Participant expresses himself/herself effectively in interpersonal situations.

5.1.e.  Participant identifies and understands non-verbal communication cues.

5.2.  Participant demonstrates effective writing skills.

5.2.a.  Participant develops content and ideas into organized written presentations.

5.2.b.  Participant analyzes and adjusts written content based upon the audience.

5.2.c.  Participant uses appropriate written language and style.

5.3.  Participant demonstrates active listening skills.

5.3.a.  Participant listens and observes to gain understanding and interpret information.

5.3.b.  Participant checks for accuracy and understanding by asking questions and paraphrasing.

5.4.  Participant effectively uses various mediums of communication.

5.4.a.  Participant communicates through oral, artistic, graphic, and/or multimedia presentations.

5.4.b.  Participant demonstrates use of available technology to present ideas and concepts.

5.5.  Participant communicates effectively with various audiences.

5.5.a.  Participant adjusts communication styles to reflect the appropriate audiences.

6.  Diversity

6.1.  Participant is knowledgeable and respectful of diverse individuals, groups and protected classes.

6.1.a.  Participant identifies contributions of diverse individuals, groups and protected classes.

6.1.b.  Participant plans and participates in inclusive activities.

6.1.c.  Participant refrains from offensive comments or actions.

6.1.d.  Participant is knowledgeable about the current social and political situation of different groups.

7.  Decision-making

7.1.  Participant understands the processes for decision-making.

7.1.a.  Participant can identify problems needing to be solved.

7.1.b.  Participant identifies decision-making styles (autocratic, democratic, consensual, laissez-faire, etc).

7.1.c.  Participant recognizes appropriate decision making styles for a given situation.

7.1.d.  Participant recognizes the impact of individual decisions on the group. (MKE PAC hair story)

7.1.e.  Participant can predict the possible outcomes of the decisions and make an appropriate selection.

8.  Group process

8.1.  Participant effectively interacts in a variety of groups.

8.1.a.  Participant understands stages of group development (Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning).

8.1.b.  Participant practices team building.

8.1.c.  Participant identifies group dynamics and personality styles in a variety of situations.

8.1.d.  Participant knows how to relate appropriately with a variety of groups.

8.1.e.  Participant recognizes value and strength of diverse perspectives .

8.2.  Participant understands how individual differences affect group processes.

8.2.a.  Participant identifies leadership styles in self & others.

8.2.b.  Participant identifies personality types in self & others.

9.  Citizenship

9.1.  Participant understands ways to positively contribute to local, national and global communities.

9.1.a.  Participant recognizes their role in multiple communities (local, regional, state, national, global, ecosystem, galactic, etc).

9.1.b.  Participant is aware of ways to influence multiple communities.

9.1.c.  Participant assumes an active role in his/her various communities.

9.1.d.  Participant participates in service to others.

9.1.e.  Participant acquires the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development (lifestyle, human rights, gender equality, global citizenship, eco-citizenship and appreciation of natural and cultural diversity, etc).

9.1.f.   Participant identifies actions to promote a culture of peace and non-violence.

9.1.g.  Participant able to recognize and appreciate various culture’s contributions to sustainable development.

10.  Conflict Resolution

10.1.  Participant understands and utilizes strategies for resolving conflicts.

10.1.a.  Participant understands and identifies styles of conflict resolution, including his/her own style.

10.1.b.  Participant selects an appropriate solution for the given situation.

10.1.c.  Participant utilizes consensus building strategies.

10.1.d.  Participant recognizes internal and external conflict.

11.  Mental Health

11.1.  Participant recognizes the symptoms of mental health stresses, threats or deterioration and the means which can be used to manage each of them as is best currently understood without medical assistance both individually and as an aspect of group dynamics.

11.1.a.  Participant understands and recognizes the symptoms of mental health stresses, threats or deterioration.

11.1.b.  Participant identifies the appropriate thoughts, intentions, exercises and actions to best manage the mental health condition.

11.1.c.  Participant advocates for mentally healthy environments where possible and appropriate.

11.1.d.  Participant is able to practice self regulation of a healthy mental state.

©2023 The Northern Lights International Leadership Academy