• It showed me that we are all more similar inside than we appear to be on the outside and in recognizing that we can all work together successfully, meaningfully and productively with a greatly positive outcome.
• Attending these trainings during my formative years contributed to my life skills and perspective for the rest of my life
• The impact is immeasurable. WASC leadership camp is the most influential experience I have had in my life. It has had great influences on my attitude and overall outlook on life. It is admittedly hard to separate my original four experiences as a delegate from dozens of experiences I have had on staff at leadership camp over three decades, but I can tell you that I think about my experiences every day.
• When I first attended the WASC leadership camp, I was an extremely shy kid. I just didn't know what an introvert was yet. That first year of camp, I had a hard time finding my way among the extroverts. By going back a second year, I found who I was and was able to participate more. And becoming a JC got me a lot of the way to where I am as an adult.
• Attending camps with students from other high schools enabled me to connect with a variety of peers, without the pre-existing social hierarchy within my own high school setting. I felt empowered and socially accepted in a more meaningful way, which strengthened my self confidence and fostered my journey to become an authentic leader.
• I'm still alive
• Gained confidence, saw myself as a leader, learned strength and weaknesses that I still think about and work on 25 years later
• It set me on a path to leadership which still impacts my life, 30 years later
• I created a tool kit for myself as a youth, to better prepare me for adulthood.
WASC changed my life. It gave me permission to feel all the emotions and learn how to be me. It gave me confidence I never knew I had. There isn’t enough room on this survey to explain how camp still impacts my daily life. Friends, connections, career, family, …..
• WASC and Don Larson gave me my start in leadership development. I went on to lead General Electric's Leadership Development Corporate University for 335,000 employees and for 7 years. I now have my own consultancy as a Performance and Business Strategist.
• WASC Leadership Camp is the single thing I point to as having the largest impact on who I am today. It's impact is felt in all areas of my life - personal and professional, as well as the relationship I have with myself. It gave me knowledge, but also experiences that really shaped who I am today.
• I have increased confidence, self advocacy, awareness of others and their struggles, and I’m more able to serve others instead of only myself.
Leadership training has given me opportunities for personal reflection and evaluation. I have become a better teacher, advisor and parent because of the training I have experienced.
• It was really an awakening for me in my middle school years. I met so many different inspiring people who had a ton of energy and warmth and were very welcoming and friendly. I got to try on a "new self" with people and learn my way towards a better social awareness.
• Not trying to overstate things, but I do not think I would be the same version of myself today without it. WASC camp taught me that I was a leader and that gave me the confidence to pursue many opportunities that compounded on each other. I was a more anxious teen that was controlled by pleasing others. Camp helped me step out on my own and see who I could be. I am a better wife, mother, friend, coworker, and physical therapist to my patients because of leadership camp.